Yes, I know, there already are thousands and thousands of texts, videos, podcasts, etc., discussing which is the best first programming language to learn. But, relax, I’ll just present a simple and concise perspective on this subject.

Given that each programming language has specific characteristics connected to some necessities and these peculiarities determine the workflow. It is possible that you have more empathy with a way how to work in a project than other ways.

Because of this bias in how we think, instead of offering a “perfect list” of how to choose a first programming language to learn, I invite you to try an empirical approach. In other words, work with small projects and give to yourself a chance to take this important decision based on your own experience.

Please, I’m not saying that you should ignore all the relevant criteria and opinions in this decision, I just want to call your attention to a complementary and practical perspective on this subject, but certainly, all the material available about this important choice can be handy.

So, listen to what experienced programmers think about it, search for small project ideas to get down to business and what else you can to imagine.

Hope this helps, until next time!